you; yet not.
featured music

what about me?

Gary Foong; 8 Aug 1989; Singapore Polytechnic; plain and simple.
Hardcore Manchester United fan
Loves my dog
Sitting, waiting, wishing.

tag me!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

what an exam paper i did today. totally was like staring at those questions and was whispering to myself how fucked that paper was. was like cursing and swearing within myself. fluid mech A totally made my day. i'd done my part. now is up to God's willingness to pull me through. after the paper, i was staring into spaces. totally no mood to do anything, like just wanna lie down on a sofa and dream. haha. not so serious la.

after eating dinner in school, went to lot 1 and checked out the game shops. only one shop selling World of Warcraft for 45bucks. it was expensive though, prolly due to being a dvd. but before that, i was in the arcade driving and drifting my car. haha. finally completed that stage. then rushed back home to install the game.

so right now, i'm like patching my game up. like 4 more hours to go. in the mean time, i finally completed the Bourne Trilogy. damn nice movie. lots of action and thrills. running and hiding like some fugitive. best movie other than the Ocean's Trilogy. and i'm wanna watch Rambo 4, American Gangster, The Assassination of Jesse James. probably gonna download those movies. haha

oh yeah. forgot 1 thing. FA Cup 5th Round. Manchester United v Arsenal. omg. exciting!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

this is gonna be one real emo post. so nevermind me alright? =)

when i looked back at what i've done. i still can't figure out what stuffs i did wrong. maybe i'm just blind or plain dumb. after what you'd told me, i spent a moment to think. thinking what i'd done that made you feel this way. perhaps i don't have that "gentleman" mentality that normally in general guys would have done. and it made me feel as though i'm still not mature enough yet. even though i'm like going to be 19 years old? when i compared how i normally communicate with my friends and to you. it's different. i don't really talk much. unless there's something that interests me. even if it doesn't, i would try to speak out.

it's like so difficult for me. whenever i have that chance, i messed it up. tell me what should i do? God perhaps knows. but in the end, it all comes down to me to figure it out. i swear i'm not going to let this just go without a fight. you may not sensed it. but that feeling is always there in me. never going to change, never will be. until i decide to give up.

i guessed some of my friends will be like feeling "oh man, emo post again." even alcoholics won't solve this.

anyways, i gotta get back to normal and focus. from what i done from Fluid Mech A past year papers. overall its okay. but there's 1 or 2 qns that might kill me. haha

Saturday, January 26, 2008

2 papers down. 3 more to go. it's been alright for the 1st 2 papers. hopefully i can score well. next week will be tiring. brace myself of it then.

i suddenly make up a list what to buy for CNY. omg. here goes.
- a pair of topman skinny. (denim material)
- some t-shirts and a long sleeve shirt
- new specs. sponsored by dad's company
- a watch? not those metallic heavy type.
- a pair of shoe? preferably nike

haha. those with "?" might not be practical. so perhaps i can get those and dress up nicely to visit my relatives b4 my parents will nag at me for dressing too sloppy.

able to see you in person again, is a blessing

Monday, January 21, 2008


CP4009 BINSAN 22 Jan 2008 2:00pm - 4:10pm T1A48 157
CP4011 PROINS 24 Jan 2008 2:00pm - 4:10pm T3A11 5
CP5007 FLMECA 28 Jan 2008 2:00pm - 4:10pm T3A12 56
MS2223 EMIIA 30 Jan 2008 2:00pm - 4:10pm T1A36 62
CP5008 HEATTR 1 Feb 2008 2:00pm - 4:10pm T3A12 65

omg, pathetic right? no exams schedule mailed to our house. and we have to write check the school's website and copy down our dates, venues and seat no. oh god! and tml is BIA already. but luckily, every of my paper is held in the afternoon. if its on the morning, i will be worrying about getting to school on time instead of how difficult is the paper. haha.

oh goddess of mercy, please guide me safely and smoothly through this exam period. i dun wanna fall sick or anything undesirable. pray hard and study hard! wish me luck =D

you make me go crazy over you, you know?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

woah. its like almost 3 days to exams. coming in real fast. plus CPTC soon for me. sian-ness. PFD test like for the 1st day of attachment? like what the hell? other courses whom are going for attachment, are there to work and learn and earn some allowances. while we, DCHE students are going there to study, practicals and exams with no pay? omg please.

alright back to today. met up with hongwei and junlin at CWP to have our dinner at pizzahut. and it cost a bomb? 16bucks for a person. prolly due to service charge. lol. then went to arcade cuz i wanted to play initial d. and i know. i spent too much on it. haha. but at least, its fun and relaxing. played the dragon punch and sludge hammer. brute force games. haha. then after that, went to pasar malam and walk around. came across a game stall like shooting a small target with a air rifle. went to try it with 8 pellets. and none hit the target. i know. i shoot air. haha. but got one pellet just missed the target by 1cm.

so after that, we went back home separately.

ok la. stop here. get back to study.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

alright. today went out with hongwei to marina square. for the purpose to study Plant Utilities. like surprising right? haha. we reached city hall, ate lunch and walked ard to find starbucks coffee to settle down. bought a drink which cost like 6bucks? expensive la deh. studied like from 2pm till 630pm liddat? then went off for some shopping. went to topshop, zara then to some shops and bought a black short and a t-shirt. then went to the arcade to play initial d 4. haha. won that ryosuke and got to customise my car.

then went to Han's and ate dinner. then went back to zara cuz i wanted to buy one t-shirt. the design quite cute. so after that, we went back home.

till here then. shall read thru PU again.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

my teeth really hurts right now. everything i bite on, turns to agony and pain. i think this is the worst feeling after so long of wearing braces. and the doctor told me that this year i will be ready to do the jaw surgery. like at september? its really quick. and my teeth is like straight already. now is just to correct the bite and my lower jaw.

anyways, today i was late for Heat Transfer extra lesson. so no choice but to take cab to school. and when i went into the class room, i was so stunned that there's only like 6 ppl there including me. pathetic. haha. anyway after that we went to find Mr. Wong to finalise our FYP proposal. and it was successful. hopefully we can complete the project. plus we went to find our maths lecturer for our Mathcad results. i got 47/50. LOL! we ate chicken talk and set off to orchard. during the journey, i was abit moody. sorry guys if my mood affected you all. and the price for all those shirts were like so expensive? though its nice. so left empty handed. went to lucky plaza for pooling sessions. lol my skills is still there about.

after that. we went for DBS (Drink Beer Session). haha. after some forcing, we were abled to buy beer to drink. carlsberg, baron's strong brew and amsterdam beer. we drank and talked like so many secrets and it was surprising to know each other's secret. it was fun and relaxing, plus the alcohol effect acting on us. time flies real fast. from 9 - 11pm, 2hrs seems like 2mins. and i did one embarassing stuff there. only jackson and jl know abt it. hahaha. so after that, me and jl talked abt some crappy stuffs and reached home.

i want you to see this. i'm serious about you. and nothing can affect me. i'm willing to wait for you. till you're ready. no matter what the outcome, i will accept it. i just want you to feel how serious i am to you. though maybe we do not know each other well enough. but i know, you're the one. so give me a chance.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Manchester United 6 - 0 Newcastle United.

i bought 4 goals for this match. and when they scored the 4th goal at ard 86mins. i'd thought i won it. but.... in the next 4 mins they managed to get 2 more goals. with Ronaldo scoring a hat-trick, Tevez with a double and Ferdinand a goal to the good. 6 brilliant goals. though i lost money, it was still enjoying to see them trash Newcastle.

Ronaldo's the best player. he's been like scoring goals every game. he just makes the crowd go standing up in anticipation. haha. ok, enough of football.

time to sleep. cya ard.

guessed i didn't make it.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

shucks. this week i'm having like 3 quizzes. mathcad, gems and PI quiz. like in a space of 2 days? stresss. today was like only having 2 lessons. next week will be like study week for us. no school at all. and after that, EXAMS.

hopefully this thursday we have KBOX session. like so long never sing songs. missed how my voice sound in the room. LOL. gonna chiong all the songs i'm gonna sing the day before. haha

alright. nth much to blog actually. just blogging to get rid of that picture of my stupid face. hahaha


Sunday, January 6, 2008

oh gosh, our washing machine broke down yesterday night and now we dun have clothes to wear. hahaha. after like 10 over years, it suddenly broke down on us.

so my mum and i went to CWP's Courts to check out the washing machines. yea, bought one samsung washing machine for 309bucks and i decided to get a new mattress since i'm having back aches while sleeping. i think i'm gonna get hunched real fast. ha. ya. found a suitable mattress for 219bucks. quite expensive actually. but well, for the comfort is worth it la. anyway i saw Desmond Koh and Quan Yi Feng there for their "Just Shoot" programme for Channel U. they look so much better in real person than in Tvs. so ya, thats for today's activities.

as for ytd. i went out with CaiLing to CWP whom i just knew ytd. and she's like staying opposite my block. omg. how coincident? though its pretty weird for me to go out with someone i just knew. we went there to find a suitable present for her cousin. but instead none were suitable. as in the price la. haha. anyway, i had dinner while she din eat. and went home together.

and exams like 2 weeks more to go? it seems that this semester is finishing way too fast than i expected to be. seriously time flies and you dunno whats going on. lol. pathetic i know.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

when you look back at what you had done during the year 2007. its time to start anew in 2008. its like a normal routine for us. reflect on what you've done in the previous year and move on with the new year. carry on what you are happy to do. correct yourself if you think you did wrongful stuffs. thats how people change. its how people look back at what they have done.

for me. lots of stuffs happened during 2007. but the bad out-weighs the good stuffs.

but i can say particularly one bad experience of my life. perhaps the scariest. was my dog. he had a heart failure and his lungs were filled with fluid. i was so helpless seeing him vomitting and breathing so hard and difficult. so helpless that our option was to end his life to stop him from the suffering. but god so merciful. it gave him a chance to live. he turned better and healthier. and i am able to smell his stinky body. been enduring it since i was primary 4. haha. its been so long with him together and we regarded him as part of our family. he's like the bestest friend and closest friend i ever had. if one day he's gone for good. i swear i wont have any dogs with me. i dun wanna go through that experience when someone leaves you for good.

but in terms of family, everything has been going well and smooth. hopefully it can continue for years to come. maybe luck was on our side. winning lotteries and improving our standard of living. i just hope that my parents will be healthy as well as my brothers have a good and stable careers.

that will be my new year resolution. for me, will be to graduate from my polytechnic smoothly. and happy 2008 everyone. =)