you; yet not.
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what about me?

Gary Foong; 8 Aug 1989; Singapore Polytechnic; plain and simple.
Hardcore Manchester United fan
Loves my dog
Sitting, waiting, wishing.

tag me!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

today woke up at around 12plus. then notice that me and my dog is alone at home. no food no nothing. quite boring and quiet. then did nth and the time was 3pm. decided to go to lot 1 and have lunch at LJS. really hungry at that time. finished it like 10mins? haha. then went to the pet shop and bought some tidbits for my dog.

went up the top level. and checked out the xbox360 games. knowing that my console cant play pirated games anymore. i saw Fifa 08. and i felt tempted to buy it. and also there was a beautiful salesgirl in the game shop too. seemingly attracted to her. bought that game and went home.

and that game was addictive! haha. new game modes and nice graphics. i kept using Rooney to shoot long range shots. damn cool. now i'm so thinking of playing that game again. football certainly makes me lively and excited. hahaha

to initiate does the trick. but being initiative can sometimes bring consequences to you. like what i experienced before.

isn't it ironic? that you are not sure that the other party likes you and you gamble on it.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

i guess i'm gonna flunk my heat transfer quiz and have to go for the remedial class. wah sad la. she showed us the solution and i found it laughable. the paper was actually easy. if only i studied harder and not last minute. next week is e-learning. but not exactly. cause we have to go back on monday for 3 practicals.... and thursday for a make-up lecture.

gotta make good use of the e-learning week to revise. ahh! concentration to the max.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

wah. this friday will be heat transfer quiz. and one module that i totally not confident. think i have to seriously start revising and doing tutorials after i come back from sch tml. argh. later have to watch football at 230am and have to wake up at 7am for that fluid mech A tutorial class. =.= sian.

lucky thursday there's no heat transfer practical which means i can sleep longer. hahaha! =D

alright. blog till here. Champions League later!

i will find one day to say it all out.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Man Utd won Aston Villa 4-1. now they are firing on all cylinders. scoring goals for fun. a joy to watch them play.

and now, Ferrari's Kimi Raikkonen won the Brasil Grand Prix and also the Driver Championship. damn exciting race with lots of accidents. and what's so amazing is that Raikkonen won the championship by a single point behind Hamilton and Alonso. perhaps anyone who's red in colour will win. haha

alright. gotta go now.

everything's alright now. =)

Friday, October 19, 2007

things are going from bad to worse in my life. having a little grudge with my friend, and now, this "issue". i knew i brought it upon myself and i deserved this cruel side of life god has given me to experience. and its all due to my problematic attitude again and again. endless issues due to myself. and i feel so down and out. but, i'm trying hard to get out of these mess. i would take it a step by a step. slowly clearing those needless obstacles that's causing me to stumble.

shall type out what i wanna say from my heart. hopefully it will ease some tension among us.

To Jiewei:
sorry. i know that saying a million of sorry doesn't helps. but still, that's the only word i can say. i know you have endured my attitude from since year 1. and i can only be that grateful that you are patient. i will try hard not to go over your limit. but give me time. i promise. and sorry for that remark on my nick that day. too crude even for me to see.

its great to have you as a friend. being able to confess to you openly about stuffs is like taking alot of boulders from my heart. and it feels great. thanks.

To Weekeng:
i knew something was wrong when i saw your nick in msn. my gut feeling was that you were referring to me. and i was right.

i happened to hop to your livejournal blog. perhaps it was fate that wanted me to see it. and i saw your post. i'm abit surprised yet guilty. it was all a misunderstanding. my nick wasn't for you. i'm really sorry for mis-communication. maybe you are too sensitive. but i know all girls are sensitive beings. i'm really sorry for those posts with that needless emo phrases in reply to yours. i tried so hard to keep that feeling ever since we first knew each other. i know its a very long time to keep that feeling. probably like 2 years? and i was really heartbroken when you said we couldn't be together. i remembered telling myself being so silly to play around with love and relationships. its like bringing me to somewhere beautiful and the next moment hell engulfs in me.

i kept that feeling in hope that i can still remember those happy moments when we knew each other. like when i first met you in person at the bus-stop outside school. i called out your name and you scolded me. and i was laughing about how shy your reaction was. but now, i feel as though it will be tough for us. when i am ready to open up, you back down and be cautious. vice versa. there was never a chance for both of us to really communicate what our feelings to each other were.

still, i'm guilty for making you become like this. i'm sorry for the misunderstanding. i hope you will read this and think about what i've said. i can only say so much, the rest is up to you to decide.

i'm feeling so god damn sad now. i almost wanting to breakdown. i'm so depressed about all this. so guilty. perhaps crying out will calm me down to sleep. yes, i'm still a crybaby. eversince young. but i'm still going strong, as long as i still believe in myself.

sorry, my friends.

Monday, October 15, 2007

wow. i finally like found some free time to blog. probably i'm lazy to update, but well, here i am. thinking of changing a new blogskin over the weekends. hopefully

sch's been ok. i mean. O.K.A.Y only. i think the next few weeks i'm gonna die of exhaustion. everyday come back home, drop dead on my bed, wake up at 8 or 9 plus. eat dinner and do some work and sleep. monotonous lifestyle as expected when you're schooling. i'm afraid i'm gonna die at the wrath of Heat Transfer.

and that lecturer of Fluid Mech A..... super bui tahan that A.Kon la. take attendance only move the mouse cursor to our name but nv call out. i think he's a dumb fuck. cant talk lah. ok. dun speak bad about lecturers here. if not, i might get sabotaged. haha.

anyway. i'm looking forward to week 6. which is e-learning week. a week of rest to recuperate my dying and ageing body. and my face is like so saggy liao. needa use that firming up skin lotion. =.= plain lame.

alright. update till as much as i can. cya another day. god bless me for the weeks ahead!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

why must my xbox360 have that new BENQ dvd drive. so what if its better, quiet, quicker in loading? it cant be mod-ed yet cause it doesn't have the firmware. the guy called me up and told me the bad news after having steamboat with my parents at tiong bahru. damn sad now. no games to play. and i'm now having thoughts of buying a psp or nintendo ds to keep me company. =.=

hard to let go but slowly and surely