you; yet not.
featured music

what about me?

Gary Foong; 8 Aug 1989; Singapore Polytechnic; plain and simple.
Hardcore Manchester United fan
Loves my dog
Sitting, waiting, wishing.

tag me!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

got a xbox360 replacement set on friday at funan mall. and i'm lazy to bring it to get it mod-ed. i think next weekends then i will bring it over.

man utd just beaten birmingham city by a goal again. dun understand why they cant score alot more goals like last season. well, nvm. a win is a win, 3 points for us and we are still right behind arsenal. no worries =)

i dun look forward to monday. its gonna be a long and tiring 5 days again next week.

false hope? haha

Friday, September 28, 2007

i swear i'm gonna hate the Heat Transfer lecturer so much that i will continue to come late for her lessons. lol joke.

today i was damn late due to the rain and the crowded ppl in the train. reached sch abt 8.30 and jackson smsed me. he was also late too. haha. so we brought our courage up and went in to the lecture theater. i tot we were spared by her when we went to take our seats, instead she asked us to come down and embarrassed us infront of the class. sigh, lab briefing only mah. worst still is that her lab briefing is like briefing us on a camp liddat. have to plan goals and ground rules etc. =.= forget abt it.

nth much afterwards. slacking in library then lesson. then after it was bballing. played a few rounds and stamina gone. and there's this bee damn irritating. keep freaking me out when it landed on my leg and showing its sting.

so after that was Process Instrumentation lesson. i rmbed i din went for the lab briefing, so i din know what kind of lecturer is he. sooo, when i saw him and heard how he talks. completely turned off. kinda gay when he smiles and laughs. and its like as if i owe him a life when i din go for his briefing. when he asked 4 ppl from each class to come down to draw smth. i knew right from the start i'm gonna get called when he said this,

"lets call the person who didn't went for the lab briefing from DCHE/2A/22"

damn gay la when he call my name. and he purposely wrote out my "Gary Foong" name on the white board while he only wrote the other 3 ppl's name without the surname. kinda suan-ing me. and in fact he bastard give me the easiest of the 4 drawings when the power point slides had what i had to draw.... =.=

kk. enuff.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

yes, today is the 1st day of sch of semester 2. and i din wish for a bad start when i had to actually officially sleep at 7am and woke up at 9.30am. i was thinking about lots of stuffs, Man Utd winning Chelsea, how is sch gonna be tml, some dirty thoughts floating all around my mind. and trying to force myself to sleep but to no avail. i had to disturb my dog and ask him to sleep with me. haha

so yea, i had to miss the 1st lesson of the day cause of my dental appt. and i was actually late for it. done with the braces and cabbed to sch. and when i stepped into FC1, it was damn crowded. saw one of my friend there and gave him a smack on his ass. lol. a greeting to him i guess. lots of unfamiliar faces, lots of nice cute girls. especially the one beside us when i came to meet my clsmates. cant stop taking my eyes of here. hahaha

sch's gonna be serious and tired to the max. timetable cramping up till 6pm almost everyday. today was nth really serious, just a few briefing and jokes around the class. same old same old perhaps.

alright, i'm getting off now. god speed to me.

hope you are able to endure. i'm gonna stop this feeling perhaps.

Friday, September 21, 2007

4 weeks vacation is almost over. time flies in a blink of an eye. din do much meaningful stuffs during this period of time. just been slacking thru-out. but its good that school's starting soon. break away from my life-less routine and get back to tune for school.

well, my xbox360 hasn't been ready to be collected. sent it on monday and now its friday. god... i'm gonna call them up later in the afternoon and ask them whether its ready anot. i still have to call up microsoft and ask for a replacement and have to send the new set back to modify it. so many steps required and what i need the most is time. i guess patience is golden.

so much chances to talk, yet i had nothing to do that

Monday, September 17, 2007

sad, my xbox360 died on me in the early morning 5am plus. i thought is was smth wrong with the disc when the screen froze. but apparently the next try, it shown me that dreaded 3 Rings of Light on my xbox. i was like "omg?! what am i gonna do?" hai. i think the only flaw with xbox360 is the durability of the hardware and system. maybe PS3 would be a better option. sigh.

now i have to travel to yishun and ask them to take out the modified part b4 calling Microsoft hotline to ask for a new set of xbox360. troublesome to the max. no pretty graphics for me to play and admire. gone is my money for the repair costs.

god bless me to get the xbox360 back healthy and strong.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

just came back from kboxing to celebrate jwei's bday. and i actually overslept and missed the meeting time. so i had to go cineleisure myself. sigh..

reached the kbox room and they just started selecting the songs. and it was singing all the way from 2pm to 6pm. mood were like low to super high then back to shaggy mode. haha. and i am damn paiseh to sing when the waitress came in. so have to stop singing when they came in. sang sang sang.. till i damn shagged.

after that we decided to have dinner. lucas went off to watch evan almighty with his frens lol. so we continue our journey and finally went to the food court in lucky plaza =.= and expected, we played arcade again. initial d. haha. lose le not comfortable must win back. thats the fighting spirit "never say die" haha.

after that we went home. and slept all the way back home. played some games and found a damn nice song. Happiness! hahaha! =D

i think i...

Thursday, September 13, 2007

today went to meet up with CSV for pool at woodland centre. its been a year since i last saw him. changed pretty much in terms of looks. haha. so we played pool and i won him all 4 games! each game he was getting closer to beating me. so after the pool we went to eat mcdonald's for lunch and headed to CWP for movie.

we watched Evan Almighty, it was a sequel to Bruce Almighty. and the main character was actually the news presenter that was being made fun of by Bruce. hahaha! damn cute la that movie. building an Ark in case of the flood. and all the animals came in pairs and went into his Ark. and he become like a Noah lookalike. lol. funny and also meaningful.

after movie, we went to the arcade and played some games. on our way back, we saw this sec sch couple and CSV and me decided to talk about them.

CSV: wah, that guy making me jealous.
ME: why?
CSV: cause he's not good looking either and still has such a pretty gf when i dont. damn unfair lah.
ME: haha. cause he's tall and smart. so maybe she likes him.
CSV: tall? i said that girl likes him because he's "long". there's 2 types. "long" or "short". boys who are "long", girls like but boys who are "short", girls hate it.
ME: wtf?! LOL

damn that stupid conversation la. haha. anyway i'm also envious of that guy la. got such a hot girlfriend.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

it was lucky i managed to pull through this semester and move on to the next. it was really damn lucky. perhaps a little of my prayers were heard. i really did badly this sem. i guess i have nothing to say but to try to concentrate more on next semester. look on the bright side of life. things will improve! =)

and there's one person damn irritating. but i managed to keep cool.

maybe i'm not ready after my results. with you around, i feel more inferior perhaps

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

tml will be the doom day (or wadever with d initials). exam results will be out on that day and a particular time in the midnight. sending to my email. and when the thing pops out from the bottom right of my screen, i will be damn damn excited/nervous and click on it.

damn, cant imagine that. i have a feeling.... this is gonna be shit hell for me. say my prayers then. ha

today was out to town again. wanted to kbox actually. but it was too expensive. 20bucks to sing 3hrs? nah, not worth it. so we actually went to lucky plaza and played arcade. initial d again. sibei no life ah! haha. so after that, slack at mcdonald's and went back home.

hell, i think i cant sleep at all lah. shall play some games 1st.


Saturday, September 8, 2007

phew. finally solved that problem. relieved that its gone now.

i need some hints, but would there be any? maybe i still like you.

eh. wrong time wrong time. a girl from nowhere, chatted with me, exchanged hp numbers, sms-ed, and i assumed that she is interested in me from the way she replied. so i decided to initiate and ask her if she's interested in me. she said "who says i'm interested in you? what if its true?" so yeah. it was true. i could have told her "hey, since you are interested in me. why not we try it out?" but i didn't want to. it could be a disaster. but perhaps another reason for not doing that.

why the fuck would this happen to me in the wrong time? when i'm thinking of elsewhere. i'm going to tell her that she better stop being interested in me. like what my friend has suggested. tell her face up. so yea, really unexpected.

like psyduck, i'm damn confused. who are you referring to?

Friday, September 7, 2007

like finally i controlled my veins from reaching my mind. if not i will be a yoma right now. haha. went out to bugis to accompany someone to buy clothes. in the end nth much happen. lol

walked around bugis village. now i realised the price not much different to standard retail shops? quite expensive also. so yea. controlled my spending today. then i decided to go to the guan yin temple to pray. its been a long time since i've been there. usually my mother would be there with me to pray. right now, i'm so lazy to tag with my mum to the temple. haha. so i took 3 joss sticks and light them up and prayed. for my family health and also my upcoming results. put my joss sticks into the pot and went to the central hall. took my slippers off and kneel down to pray and do 3 kowtows to the buddha while saying my prayers. like what my mum do when she prays. donated money and took a sweet. following exactly my mum does when praying. but din take the amulet.

well. it does feel different while praying. in my mind was focused on saying my prayers and not caring the surroundings. not being too over religious here. lol. but it feels different.

played pool in lucky plaza and initial d arcade. hands were tired. haha. after that we went to 7-11 to buy alcohol. =.= how many times i drank a drink that contains alcohol? hai. sinful i guess. haha. drank and talk cock and went home after that. damn shagged. slept all the way in the train.

alright. done blogging with today's event.

realised my dog was sleeping like this. =.= damn cute ah?

confused? maybe?

Thursday, September 6, 2007

alright, the pain has subsided. doesn't hurt that much as yesterday. and why the heck is that new birds gathering outside my house? and its making lots of noises. whats worse is that they only make noise in a certain time. roughly around 6am and 7pm they will fuck my neighbourhood upside down with their noise. sigh. how to sleep?

recently been slacking at home watching anime. monster is now getting more and more exciting as the episodes goes by. really thrilling and full of suspense. haha anime freak. "i have surpassed my limits of staying home all day, needa get out of the house right now before i turn into a yoma." =.=

yes, after reading ur post. it made me demoralised. i wonder if i should give up?

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

yes, today's wisdom tooth extraction was a strange one. my doctor injected anaethesia into my gums and waited awhile for the numbness to settle. and that the extraction proceeded. the doctor used some sort of plier to wringle out my wisdom tooth, felt some pain in my gums. finally the tooth came off. but it wasn't a successful one. cause there was a part of my extract tooth's root in my socket. and the doctor had to take it out. and the nurse took the suction tube to suck out my blood. and omg! there was alot of blood being sucked. i almost freaked out seeing how much blood i actually lost.

after like 20mins of trying to take that small piece of root in my gums. the doctor found out that it actually disappeared. maybe it might have got sucked out by the tube. but the doctor suggested me to go for an x-ray to check out whether it is still there. so went for the x-ray, and went back to him. according to the x-ray, there was no small piece of root in my socket. he told me there are 2 possibilities. one is that it might have been sucked out. second is that the piece of root might have went deeper into the wound. and the latter was the most dangerous. it could cause me infection and even impair my nerves in my tongue.

i decided to choose the option of leaving it alone. if there is any swelling and excruciating pain in my gums, i will have to go back to him for surgery. sigh, why so unlucky? the surgery cost me about 60bucks. money gone again.

anyway, i went to Causeway Point's GNC to check out the product. and i bought 2 products from there. one is that protein chocolate powder. one serving 52 grams of protein? thats alot. and another creatine powder for the strength enhancement. cost me about $180 with discount when i applied the membership card.

went back and the numbness went off. felt the pain. =.= damn it. my mum cooked me porridge and i ate the painkiller medicine and went to sleep. woke up and watched some tv and worked out abit and drank the protein drink. damn thick. but well. have to finish it.

alright then. hope my wound will heal faster and that piece of root is actually being sucked out. or else....

it feels wierd that we don't have much topics to talk about and though we dun talk frequently, i still enjoy talking to you. wonder if you feel the same?

Monday, September 3, 2007

yea, went to Comex with jl and jackson. had lunch at marina square foodcourt and then went to the arcade. wanted to play pool initially but the price is too ex. oh wells, i tried playing that new initial d game. i won the fella with just a few turns to finish. heng ah. haha

so after that, we decided to try bowling. 1 game for us. lol. all 3 of us had 0 score for the 1st frame. then jackson had 4 0 scores consecutively. lol can see his sian-ness.

so after the bowling, we went off to comex. damn crowded. expected since its the last day already. same old same old perhaps. nth much to see. saw some pretty gals. hahaha. then walk around and pass back this booth selling speakers. Sonic Gear. i and jackson discussed awhile and decided to buy one. perhaps i buy is on impulse? but the quality of the speaker tempted me.

carrying that speaker was really tiring. ate dinner in dunno what shopping centre. i think its millenia. harvey norman store there. so yea, went back home and tested my speakers. not bad. and another thing arrived to my home. a home GYM!! hahaha. now i can train and build up my body liao. buy lots of protein powder and muscle-enhancing caplets. everyday eat full time until body big. ha joking.

and please elaine ah, ppl quarrel you happy. wahlao. can happy but dun let then happiness overcome you. control it. haha
maybe it's because of my attitude. if so, i'm sorry.