you; yet not.
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what about me?

Gary Foong; 8 Aug 1989; Singapore Polytechnic; plain and simple.
Hardcore Manchester United fan
Loves my dog
Sitting, waiting, wishing.

tag me!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

chalet was fun, not that bad in terms of what i expected to be. 1st day was alright. gambling was our activity that night. played arcade and ate dinner. alcohol consumption was alright. haha

2nd day. breakfast was bought, but i din ate any of it. woke up quite late i think. gambled again. won quite abit of money. went to foodcourt and ate lunch. actually the appetite wasn't good. but managed to endure the pain of my teeth. after that we played some arcade and went to rent bicycle overnight. fall and injured myself quite badly. went back chalet and gambled again? i forgot what we did. then the rest arrived. we ate dinner that liping's mother had cooked for us. the food were nice especially the curry chicken. though the curry was abit diluted, the chicken itself is delicious. after that we celebrated jacqueline's and seokhan's birthday. and did an embarrassing act. shan't mention about it. watched some tv b4 setting off to Old Changi Hospital.

our journey to OCH was pretty fast. last than 1 hour we have reach changi village. without taking any breaks in between. we took at break at the coffeeshop and cycle to OCH. reached there and we walked up the stairs with all those tree branches blocking our path. pretty scary. and we actually went back down again to search a new entrance. but actually the initial entrance was the correct one. entered through the building. saw lots of graffiti on the walls. the buildings were like so damaged with steel rods poking out from nowhere. those paths were deemed dangerous. or perhaps we were too scared to continue on. water droplets sounded like footsteps. surroundings were like getting darker due to our illusions. after we had explored enough we went back to our bicycles. on the way there, i kept looking at the building and a bright orange light in the high floor on and off. i was wondering who would be there at the highest floor? anyone that daring to go to the high floor of the building and shine light? frightening i supposed.

cycled back to chalet. bought some stuffs from 7-11. slacked outside and was talking about blackjack. then a couple behind us asked us whether we wanted to play. lucas accepted the offer and was the 1st to play. we observed b4 joining in. the uncle offered martel to us. i drank a cup. quite hot actually. won about 20bucks on blackjack. after that we drank beer. stout guiness and calsberg together. drank like about 10 cups of it. talked alots of crap and time went damn fast. abit drunk and was down in bed the next moment.

morning woke up and went back home to sleep.

perhaps i placed my hopes too high, and the consequences and risks in turn increases. hurting myself deeply in the process.

Monday, August 27, 2007

like finally Man Utd got their first win of the season! after so many frustrating matches without scoring many goals. Nani popped out with a wonder goal. brilliant goal and i was shouting so loudly even though it was like 1am. that scream of relief and joy is so wonderful. all the stress disappeared lol.

so yea. later will be going for my class chalet. but before that, i have to go for my dental appointment. will be coming back home to slack for awhile. then setting off to chalet for 3D2N. hope everything will be smooth sailing. no major hiccups all whatever. but somehow i do feel there will be one.

alright. i'm getting sleepy.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

last paper to go. CREACT left. gonna finish this exam period on a high note. after that it will be holidays! gonna find my sec-sch mates out for pooling sessions. so long din see them le.

ytd late in the night, lucas asked me out for a drink. he came here by cycling. cycled to limbang but all the coffeeshops are closed. so went back to yewtee and ate. after that we went 7-11 and bought alcohol. i saw one 14% alcohol content and decided to try it. regretted it thou. cuz its wine and not some normal lime alcohol sort. managed to drink all down. and managed to stay on my feet. haha so i know 14% content doesn't down me at least. talked and went back home.

right, today had a dream. i wouldn't say its weird or scary or anything horny? but this dream really left me a deep impression. the 1st time i've been thinking about it practically the whole day. yea. quite disturbing to think about it. well, better not affect my revisions.

and when is alex ferguson buying a striker? we need one right now! if not our season will be gone next week against tottenham. buy one fella like van nistelrooy pls. score lousy goals but along of goals kinda.

Monday, August 13, 2007

i'm like finally back? recently turned 18. thats a real bonus. buuuttt, exams coming in just 1 more day? MATHS! sigh. why time flies so fast.

alright, a quick post. damn disappointed with Manchester United against Reading today, created lots of chances but couldn't put it in the back of the net. damn emo now. lose 2 points while the big 3 teams, Arsenal, Chelsea, Liverpool all got their wins. damn la. sigh.

i found my dog really adorable this days? maybe is somebody saying he's cute. bahh. here's some of his updated pic with his new friend from IKEA =.=

damn innocent look?

dead? lol

being constricted

Sunday, August 5, 2007

isn't it good to see my dog healthy again? greeting me when i come back home from sch and wagging his tail. those little things he does lift my spirits up and make me stress-free. so yeah. it's great to see him in a healthy state. one less stuff to worry as exams are coming.

been disappointed over studies. worrying about it. i now have to buck up and revise my notes. hope i can make it through unscathed. =)

so yeah. time flies and sunday will be football day. FA Community Shield. Man Utd v Chelsea. its been long since i watched football. wonder i still have the passion to watch.

alright, blog till here. my brother's planning to bring the dog out to west coast tml morning. feel lazy to get up thou. see how then.

study hard my friends!