you; yet not.
featured music

what about me?

Gary Foong; 8 Aug 1989; Singapore Polytechnic; plain and simple.
Hardcore Manchester United fan
Loves my dog
Sitting, waiting, wishing.

tag me!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

today my dad and i went to fetch our dog back home from the clinic in the morning. stepped into the clinic and went to the room where my dog is hospitalised. then i saw a cage with a towel covering it. then one of the caretaker removed the towel and i saw my dog. the caretaker said that he's really noisy. that means his condition has improved. =) but poor thing, he got a drip attached to his leg. must be painful for him when taking the needle out.

after taking the prescribed medicines for him. i carried him back to the car. and my shirt is wet with pee. din noe his bladder couldn't take it. haha. reached home and gave him something to fill his stomach. and he's damn shagged.

so well, i know he's having congestive heart failure according to what the doctor said. so theres no way in curing that. but only to control the heart by eating medicine. i'm so so sad for him, that he's experiencing this. so torturous and painful. how i wish he wouldn't have this problem. i wished that i can sacrifice another dog rather than mine. i know i'm selfish. but isn't that what everybody will think? anyway. whats done is done. now i have to take good care of him.

he's not gonna live as long as before. so everyday will be a challenge for him to get past a day after a day. with the help of those medicines, his life will be prolonged. right now, he's sleeping. i guess i wont be able to see him active and playful again. but hey, as long as he's still around, i'm happy. i wouldn't allow him to go off just like that. cause i'll be damn emo if he does. guess now my best birthday present is to have him by my side. =)

here's the website about Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) for dogs, Click Here!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

my dog's condition is getting worser and worser just like i expected. his heart is beating fast and his breathing quicken too. this morning he was like coughing and vomiting white stuffs with some blood. so i ask my mum and dad to bring him to the animal clinic.

he didn't even have that energy to walk and was coughing along the way. so i carried him all the way to the car. reached the clinic and told the doctor whats happening to him. she gave him an injection and medicines and also asked us to observe him for a few days. but if the condition doesn't improves we needa take him back to have x-rays and blood tests. its gonna cost a bomb. but i will pay the fees as long as he gets better. doctor added that it might be due to his heart and his aging condition that causes the vomiting to occur.

back home in the car, he was coughing away. my mum was attending to him. i really felt helpless. seeing him coughing so painfully. its really heartbreaking to see him getting tortured. i feel my eyes getting watery as he continues to cough and vomit. how i wish it didn't happen this way.

and now he's getting more and more drained. he's like losing his appetite and staring into spaces. i feel as though he's getting away from us. really pains my heart to see him in this state.

Monday, July 23, 2007


damn he's making me worried about his health =(

i guess i need to take him to the vet for check up

guess i'm back after getting to understand more about my problems. so finally i realised my stuffs with the help from my friend. so yeah. my break is over.

today, my mum asked me out from some dim sum at Vivo City. at the wrong time she call me out. i was studying then. but after some persuading from her. i decided to give in and accompany her. with brother driving us there. so reached there and reminded me of friday's events. we stopped at Bosses Restaurant and we found out that the 1/2 price dim sum is actually on Saturdays only. whats worse is that 5pm is where the dim sums are not served anymore. we reached there 5plus. but luckily there's a few variety left on the menu. shanghai xiao long baos! haha. overall a nice meal. brother treated us. wah. give credit card somemore like rich man. then we went Giant to do some shopping.

came back home. feeling abit hungry. so mum cooked me some noodles. mother's the best! haha =) watched F1 awhile. saw one of the best overtaking moving by Fernando Alonso. wheel to wheel stuff. then back to studying bio.

2 more weeks to EPL! cant wait for it!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

yea. decided not to blog here for awhile. with things going thru my head. i should just let go and take a break from blogging here. guess this blog wont have any interesting stuffs for awhile.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

been thinking and reflecting hard on myself. i asked myself alot of questions. simple yet complicated. contradicting eh?

i wished i would able to go back to the past. and make things right. but i know, god gave me a set back. so i can mature from it. and be more experienced in life.

so yea. i'm happy with what i am now. having my friends around me. a good stable family. with my 2 brothers. with my dog. with my life. i'm happy with it. so what more can i ask?

i decided to give up. and stop having any thoughts about the past.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

like finally i've completed my presentation slides. i was like on and off doing it from ytd till now. and finally finished. abit plain thou. all in pt forms. and i only have like 4 pics in it. pretty plain. buden who cares. as long as i know how to explain my points and elaborate. its good enuff.

so yea. sch today was funny and fast? funny in the sense that jiewei keep looking at me during lectures. and he just keep making me think and not concentrate. fast was that time in sch flies. later for bio prac for an hr!! lol mr wong was'nt too happy about it. but his expression to me was like sian half? lol gonna wake up earlier le.

eh jiewei pls dun disturb me in lectures. lol i really needa concentrate in studies now. serious. exams are coming thick and fast.

Monday, July 16, 2007

alright. i'm back. lots of stuffs happening lately. getting back my test papers were bad enough for me to handle. decided to bring up my motivation in studying hard. no more slacking pls.

my father was planning to buy a trendmill. but wonder whether it will be useful anot? cost a thousand bucks. so i decided to tell him to put that plan aside 1st. until everybody in the family agrees with the plan. so yea. saturday and sunday were like watching the asian cup and also that guiness world pool. kill alot of time with those programmes.

yep. thats weekends for me. staying at home enjoying tv and some peace b4 going back to sch again on monday. time do fly fast unfortunately.

feels weird ain't it? bah

Thursday, July 12, 2007

late for maths tutorial. but managed to be in time for the maths cad revision. phew. after the revision, we went to fc4 to eat our breakfast and headed to play basketball with my classmates. kevin, hongwei, tao guang, xiao ye VS me, junlin, jackson, lucas.

the result was unstoppable la. lol even with the major height difference as our major stumbling block. we manged to overcome it. tao guang was in his usual self. gung-ho defensive, very "in-your-face" defending. haha. hongwei was the star man for his team. outscoring everyone in that match. eh. my memorable moment of that match. LOL was to jump and overcome kevin, beating him and laid the ball into the net. din know i hit his specs. lol sry. its like that moment was going very slowly as i move towards the net. k la. enuff of bragging. overall a fun match. everybody were working hard to win.

then after sch, played badminton for awhile. shagged. back home, i slept will 9pm plus. ok. shall stop here.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

i just remembered i misplaced my thumbdrive during the plant design lecture. damn. there goes my practical 1 report. hai. suay, very suay. to the max.

wah. very heartpain la. that was the 1st thumbdrive i bought. i rmb it costing me 50bucks. sian la. emo for a few days...

ok. went to NDC to tighten up my braces.

there goes my green bands.
welcome red bands.
enter toothaches.

damn its aching like nobody's business. wasted 15bucks on taxi fares. to and fro. just for the sake of not being late for appt and for class. hai. money money...

i'm still feeling heartpain over my thumbdrive. =(

Sunday, July 8, 2007

din update my blog quite awhile. it seems that i dun have that enthusiasm or stuffs to blog about. nothing interesting things happened in this period of time.

so yea, friday was Creact test. din prepared myself properly. missed out some impt stuffs. it will be good if i get a border line pass. but in reality, not. after the test, we headed to Plaza Sing to eat our dinner. Ajisen ramen. quite sian of the food le. its either the noodles or the side dish. nth else special. after dinner we roamed around orchard to search bags, but the prices are damn expensive. so no choice, have to delay until i find the right price.

then after those stuffs, we went home and get prepared to go jw's house to mahjong. thats the main objective of going there. met lucas and elaine and headed off. was really late. 1030pm became 12am we arrived at jw house. ya, dota-ed a few matched then mahjong-ed. i studied how they played. still confused. but anyway, i got my hands on those tiles. and the 1st match i won. haha. it seems that every stuffs i 1st try on is always a pretty positive result.

after went home. rmbed that today was Live Earth and went to catch it on channel 5. its showing from 10pm to 6am. thats very long. i stopped watching at 230am. Green is the colour today. the advertisements are related to my module. Environment Engineering. =.= solid waste and pollutions etc. and they showed some sad stuffs and fishes dying due to lack of oxygen in the water. really sad.

well, thats all i can update. heres a video i wanna share.

jiewei must be interested in this. kinda of my fav songs. the video got SM stuffs! jiewei go watch. LOL Porno Graffitti - Lonely Night

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

today was another start to a new week of class. and the train ride was full of people. normal routine. alighted and head for bio prac. today's session was quite fast. 1 hour and 30 mins finished it. and headed to mcdonald's to eat breakfast.

now this is the interesting part. i ordered a egg mcmuffin with sausage. then while waiting for the stuffs to arrive, jackson told me to help jl get the hotcakes with sausage. so yea. my stuffs were ready and the auntie gave me the hotcakes. so while i reached our seats. i saw another yellow box infront of jl. i was like "shit i took the hotcakes when it should be others." then jackson tell me to keep it. LOL mastermind. so kept it and share with them. din eat it. was quite full. yea, got a free breakfast to kick-start your day.


so today was like getting rewards without doing work. (bu lao er huo) that kind of situation. free stuffs. haha. damn. my mother bought durians again. i had been eating from saturday till today. 3days straight of durians. i think my hair gonna be like durian le. and my hand stinks now.

MR. DURIAN HEAD! no more Mr. Botak Head. hahaha

Oh ya! i rmbed just now when i was napping in the evening, i dreamt that my dog died. and in the dream i was like mourning and crying over him. damn sad cause if he left me, i have no companion to play with. guess wad? i woke up and realised i was actually crying in real life. haha. i guess that my dog really can caused me to cry.

i still remember those days when my dog was lost during my secondary 1 days. i was like worrying for him every night. is he outside alone and cold? hungry? i even went downstair in the middle of the night to search for him. hoping i can find him. but to no avail. so decided to print out some copies of my dog picture and paste it around the neighbourhood. with the help of my 2 brothers and parents. we managed to paste all.

so. one fine day. our home telephone rang. a stranger said that he has found our dog and was keeping him. i was really happy and relieved. and once i saw him. i quickly carried him up and hugged him. lol. guess that moment was really memorable.

now he's sleeping on his bed. and i'm blogging. i'm glad that he's still right beside me. wonder if he's gone one day. how would i have felt?

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Singapore lost to Australia 3-0 with Viduka scoring a brace and a goal by Harry Kewell. both of them are well-known English Premier League stars in their team. Newcastle and Liverpool respectively. although Singapore lost heavily. i could see them pushing on, despite they are tiring. that famous "never say die" attitude. they were threatening on the counter attacks but could'nt conjure a goal.

it was a brilliant sight even from my television. seeing about 45,000 spectators in the National Stadium for the last time. the Kallang Wave or Roar were nice. wished i was there watching the football match. anyway this is the 1st live football match i've watched since like 2months? it was weird. the tempo of the match was'nt like EPL. fast, aggressive. i'm missing EPL. thats the only stuff i can unwind myself from school and shout it out when there's a goal.

today feels weird. i feel like there's school today but there is'nt. the evening was different. normally i would be napping. but i played my ps2. night too. time flys so fast. especially the time 6pm to 12am. with a blink of an eye. 6hrs are gone. amazing.

yea. my hair is growing longer and longer. i can see it. it feels good to have longer hair than short hair. more security. i still have like so much wax unfinished. such a waste of money. today is sunday. there will be F1 racing to watch. GOGO FERRARI!