you; yet not.
featured music

what about me?

Gary Foong; 8 Aug 1989; Singapore Polytechnic; plain and simple.
Hardcore Manchester United fan
Loves my dog
Sitting, waiting, wishing.

tag me!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

checked out the functions of iphone. internet, itunes, iphone. lots of functions in it. you can call, sms, surf the net, listen to ur mp3s. there's even a map application where you can find out directions to places. thats cool. a phone with that much functions sure is a kick-ass. touch screen using ur fingers makes it even more futuristic.

so yea, an item to be in our wishing lists i guess. but its gonna cost a bomb i guess. i have what i want. no point getting a stuff that its not a need to me.

today feels like a week before holidays. maybe due to me wearing jeans and slippers. therefore it might give me a feeling of slackness and comfort. oh yea. i was quite early for fluid mech practical. something to be proud of. haha

today lost to jackson on a bet. xia xue being dawn yang? nah. xia xue is xia xue and dawn yang is dawn yang. i rmb reading Maxim and the cover girl was dawn yang. she was also a blogger. quite beautiful and smart. i think she's fromm raffles school and went overseas to study. perfect eh?

oh ya. Gems was like wtf? mucous flying everywhere. one "lucky" victim kena. lol damn exciting, shouting, banging, high and low rollercoaster ride. decided to consult about my problems to her. was quite nervous. my jaws were shivering and all.

yea. so thats about it for friday. take care ppl.


Thursday, June 28, 2007

omg. after dinner i went to pee. my dog ate finished his too. and....he went into the toilet with me too. was like wtf? he was watching me peeing and i was watching him staring at me. told him to get out 1st. but he just stood there. and then he pee near the sink. his pee smell was like damn concentrated. had to hold my breath and wash up his pee. damn him. fancy him to make me clean his pee after sharing the toilet with him. haha. he's funny la. after that, he rushed out of the toilet and fell down. and i laughed at him. my mom too hahaha.

alright, back to the main point. today was maths test. was quite prepared after doing some tutorials. but in that actual test, i was disappointed. qn4 especially. i could'nt prove that lamda = 4 would equate to 0. and i went to check my my workings and found out that i missed out a negative sign somewhere. i was damn relieved to correct that small mistake and was motivated to go all the way. but time forbid me to do so. i heard teacher said "alright complete ur last lines". i was like "Shucks! shit!" damn disappointed. if only i found out that mistake earlier.

after the test i was damn emo. came back home shagged and drop dead on my bed. i'm so restless everyday after school. 6pm nap till 9pm. and i officially slept at 4am everyday. either i'm late or too tired to wake and decided to give some lessons a skip. i'm ruining myself i know that.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

how did 8545 originated? hmm... let me tell you then. 8545 originated from my HDB flat's lift. a pretty ingenious way from getting this 4 digits. "Maximum capacity: 8person. 545kg" so this becomes the famous 8545. on 23 June 2007, Saturday. 8545 appeared on my television screen. and a scream of joy break thru my room. i went to check it out. i heard some grumbles from my mum. then my dad was cursing and swearing. they were communicating in cantonese but i know what they're talking.

my dad said(*translated from cantonese):"oh fuck! why din i placed more amount on the bet. today was my pay day yet i forgotten to place more. and i only placed 10bucks and not 100bucks. 100bucks would have brought me 100K! fuck!"

my mum. "who ask you so forgetful if not that 100K could have pay up our HDB unit. you could have called me or 2nd son to buy for you more. i bought gary's bday number. lucky nv place so much."

so it was like 20mins of non-stop talking. somewhat joyous somewhat anxiety. then my mind thought this, "If Only?" if only dad placed more bets on it. our flat installments would have paid off, our life will be much smoother flowing. no worries on cashflow problems. but if that "If Only" exists in this world, there would'nt be beggars eh?

so yea, was glad my dad won 1st prize at 4D. i guessed this is probably the largest winning amount i seen during my 17 years experience from my family. so i guess betting and winning helps us alot. it will give that moment of relief and joy. but i cant explain that feeling. its something exciting to have this situation happened onto you.

i got 100bucks from dad. and 2nd bro got 500bucks. was like omg. 4times more than me? so dad gave me another 100. kept me quiet? haha. yea. money makes the world go round. spins you like a spin-a-rooney. dizzy and all.

my mum told dad to collect the prize money at Paradiz Centre. then i asked her why cant take from normal betting shops? she said more than 5K have to go there take cheque. so 1 general knowledge learnt. lol

dad was like so proud of himself. he said he's gonna treat us to seafood. and i said "Lobster sashimi!" then he said alright. haha. this will be the 2nd time eating it. so tml will be a moment to savour.

alright. quite a long post. shall blog till here. sch's starting so everybody have a good sunday to prepare! =)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

its like 2 more days to sch. can i say i'm excited yet feeling sian-ness? sch will rid all of the boredom coop inside my home during the holidays. yet it will make me busy with work. maybe?.

well. i made up a list of stuffs to buy in my mind. too bored nth else to do.

1st. Buy a bag. (back pack) slings are giving my shoulders troubles.
2nd. A new bermudas. All of mine are real loose fitting. afraid 1 day it might
3rd. A Driving License. YES you heard me alright.

i'm going to try my luck on it. Dad asked me to get it. so i can drive him around. But Mum told me not to learn so early. study 1st, drive later. i've been like observing both my Dad and 2nd Bro how they drive and how they park the car so smoothly. i dun think i can drive well personally. i dun look out at the surroundings, not focused enough. afraid i might miss the traffic light and drive past it without knowing. well, this all comes with experience.

so yeah, nth to blog. so talk this kind of cock.

my dream car? suzuki swift sport. what a dream. haha

Thursday, June 21, 2007

wah lao. why time so fast fly. can give me more time? can the seconds be minutes and minutes be hours and hours to be days? i really hope theres more time for me to use. i still got to complete my rpg game. plus revisions, tests and stuffs liddat. oh my tian! no time to waste. its like 5 more days to school. sian.

ok. on monday we had KBOX with jl, jw, jackson and lucas. we met up, ate our lunch at long john and went to kbox. feels wierd that 5 boys w/o any gals walking straight to the kbox room. feels gay. but nvm. jw and jackson were really high on singing. when it was my time to sing, i felt like being ran over by one big truck. my voice was sucky. could'nt believe it. lol i tried to reach the note. but could'nt. was out of breath. no stamina. after some singing. i sang quite smoothly. but it was the end when i was really high. sang grasshopper's "Ai Bu Pa". was like standing and shouting and the mic was like to and fro movement. real shagged after the singing. dizzy, insufficient oxygen to my brain.

ate dinner at crystal jade. 2 times in 2 weeks. rich man son huh? haha

tuesday was my dental appointment. went there to get the stitch out from my wound. doctor told me to settle the next operation somewhere outside. i thought i heard level 2. but i settled at level 5. then after setting the operation date. i din feel quite right. cuz the 1st operation i had was at lvl 3. the day surgery centre. not at level. damn confused. lazy to walk back and clarify. so asked my mum to call the appointment line. well. the nurse told my mum everything is correct. so now no worries for me. just wait for my 2nd wisdom tooth to get pluck out.

ok. pic of the kbox

see how me and jl so shagged. and the middle so enthu singing. lucas the photographer.

alright shall blog here then. gotta complete my blue dragon game. so addictive.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

alrighty, 1 week of vacation had just gone without making good use of it. i have been sleeping at wee hours in the morning till the late afternoons. and i realised that by doing that, my time becomes lesser for me to use it. i dun feel like touching my lecture notes knowing that 2 tests will be coming right after the holidays are over. ok, i promise i will study next week. hopefully i keep my promise.

tuesday's kbox outing, and jiewei cant make it. hai. one less incentive for me to have. lol. no him = no fun i suppose. but i managed to get hongwei to come! thanks to my charming persuade. i think i will just sing 1 or 2 songs since i only know these song lyrics inside out. well hope so.

i cant wait for the new English Premier League season to start!! 11 August 2007 will be the kickoff weekend! 3 days after my bday, i guess this will be my best present to have then! waiting, enduring, anticipating!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

yea, sch holidays are here. and i'm going to blog about stuffs happened on monday and tuesday. well, i guess the stuffs on monday are more than tuesday's. here goes,


iceskating at jurong east shopping centre was our class outing. but the response did'nt turn out well. only 11 of us were there, including elaine whom jiewei was told to ask one more to come. once everybody had arrived, we headed for to the place. i thought we were going to have lunch together before going iceskating, but it was'nt to be. the gals excluding elaine, were anxious and headed straight to the iceskating centre. and we boys were like "huh?! no lunch?", anyway we had to endure with our empty stomach.

iceskating was real difficult to maneuver around the place. taking the 1st step onto the ice floor was nervy. and then after i tried using to rollerblading method to move myself forward. was really difficult to balance and i fell like about 5 times, made myself wet and cold. damn awkward.

and when i was about to head back to the bench to rest, i saw some of my classmates gathering there, so decided to join in. found out that jingwen accidentally caused a person to get hurt. jingwen had apologised to him, but he wanted him to pay for his medical fees. and some of his friends were like harassing jingwen to show some concern and follow him to the clinic. after those talking cocks, the fella eventually came and started to beat jingwen, i and some of my classmates stopped him and luckily he did. then again, lots of talking and went to the nearest clinic, found out that he had to refer to hospital and that made us like "wtf?". so lucas went to call the police using jiewei's name. after some donkey hours, the police finally arrived so as jingwen's dad. after taking statements, the police officers assured us that everything is alright and we can go off. we went off, and again those irritating ppl came back again. bah. lots of talking and we went off ignoring them.

ok, after those shaggy activites. we went to jurong point and ate in some kind of chinese restaurant. ordered pan fried dumplings, xiao long bao and a shanghai soup noodles. i was really hingry, stomach was like growling all the way back to iceskating. and after dinner, we walked around and went back home.


tuesday was my wisdom tooth extraction operation. went there with my parents in a taxi. reached there and had my particulars written and waited for the nurse to call my name. after waiting for awhile, the nurse called me and told me that was some slight delay and i had to come back 1hr later. so we went off and had our lunch 1st.

came back, and it was my turn. had to wear a gown, cap and shoe covers before proceeding to the operation theatre. i was shivering inside and the nurse was kind and gave me a bottle of warm water to keep myself warm. the surgeon arrived and told a few stuffs to my parents and talked about the operation. and it was time to do the tooth extraction. as i went with the nurse, the door automatically opened and ii saw a operating chair in the middle. i was told to lean onto it. it was very comfortable, compared to the common dental chair i used to sit onto. this chair was big and soft.

the surgeon took out 2 small containers of anaesthesia and injected it into my lower left gum. i was frightened, but din hurt at all. instead i felt numbness and could'nt speak properly. the nurse blindfolded me and the operation started. i could'nt see anything but i could feel the stuffs in my mouth. the suction tube, the saw especially. it was scary when the saw was in my mouth. the vibration was really powerful. and finally the operation ended. prescribed me some medicine and went home.

my extracted wisdom tooth

us in fuji iceskating

Monday, June 11, 2007

had a real heart to heart conversation with my friend just now. it started with a casual remark and he suddenly pour out his feelings to me. yeah, i know this feelings suck. it's not good to be in those situation, it feels uneasy and awkward. i managed to calm him down. told him that things will be alright, dun care about the problems. get on with life.

i really felt sad for him. but i cant explain why he's in this kind of situation. but well, things will be alright after all. as long as you have endurance, that strong mentality and determination.

damn. i still dun dare to go out with this hair. feels naked. no security with my long hair. needa wear a cap. argh.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

really sick on friday. din realised i overslept. supposed to wake up at 7am with the alarm on. but instead i woke up at 730. missed the alarm. and i was late for fluid mechanics prac.

as time goes by, my condition worsen. body feeling very weak, my head seems be like a volcano ready to erupt. it was painful with the fact i'm playing badminton for almost 2hrs. during the creact and environment eng lectures, i was shivering thru-out. the air-con was blowing at me. piercingly cold. after those lectures, i rushed home. but b4 reaching my home. i remembered i needa cut my hair. since my parents are nagging to me to get my hair shorten. so decided to go into the barber. told the barber to cut my hair. i wanted to cut like my sec sch's hairstyle. short and neat. forgotten the name of the hairstyle so anyhow say to the barber to cut a "crew cut" hairstyle.

he changed the shaver head... and to my horror. the right side of my hair is gone. next was the top, the left, finally the back of my hair. i was stunned and could'nt do anything to it. the hair shaving process feels like hours to complete, with the other customers waiting at the back, i was really embarrassed. plus i had a running nose and it kept dripping. and they thought i was crying. super paiseh man.

the worst haircut i had. nvm bah. at least i can get use to this hair. good experience for me. haha

i'm still having severe headache right now. damn. shall stop here then

Thursday, June 7, 2007

going to school everyday seems like a hassle. tired and unwilling to wake up. i dunno. and that feeling of missing the sec sch days keeps coming back again. those were innocently fun and peaceful times.

sorry if i'm showing any black faces in sch or being moody. i just prefer to be quiet and being that someone who hides behind a crowd of people. it feels more secure for me being that way. to stay out of troubles. to enjoy that moment of peace.

today. i decided to skip maths tutorial. tired. came to sch at 12pm. started to feel even more shagged, the noises in sch makes me dizzy. had plant design test. not confident. though i'm sure that 2 long qns i wont get any marks. had an ichemE talk. whatever. career guidance etc. went home after that and laid on the bed. din noticed i really fell asleep. woke up, din help out much in the plant visit report. i have no idea about anything regarding to it. sry guys. shall do my part.

guess i shall stop here then. ciao.

oh ya. best pic during plant visit at senoko incineration plant i guess?

look at the amount of rubbish in there. imagine a day of rubbish can be pile up to a number of shopping centres.

Monday, June 4, 2007

4 June 2007 Monday turns out to be more blue-er than any other typical mondays. today was fluid mechanics test, which i know nuts regarding about it and i guess it will still continue for me.

when i got the paper, i was cursing at it. "what the fuck is this? what the fuck is that? here and there and everywhere." damn. i know there's some careless mistakes somewhere along. like forgotten to change the units. but i'm entirely sure i'm gonna flunk this test real bad. hands down. dun talk about it.

i just cant get it off from my mind. its real bad knowing that you gonna fail but yet you cant get it off ur shoulders. i was like slouching back home right after the test.


i've got a test on wednesday again. plant design. hopefully i can memorise all the stuffs i needa know to get myself prepared.

damn, my internet connection is giving me problems. cant believe it happened at the wrong time. its damn slow and lagging whenever i surf the net or play games. damn starhub damn internet. fuck!

motherfucking hell. shall stop being a vulgarist and emo.