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what about me?

Gary Foong; 8 Aug 1989; Singapore Polytechnic; plain and simple.
Hardcore Manchester United fan
Loves my dog
Sitting, waiting, wishing.

tag me!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

been so lazy to update. either napping right after i came home from school or just slacking and watching tv.

start of sch was smooth going. no major hiccups whatsoever, new classmate joined our class. a gal to be precise. saw her b4 in yr 1. nth much abt the class then. same faces, same communication techniques. except that yr 2's modules are quite complicated. what plant design & simulation, like oh my god? when i received the pile of lecture notes. damn fucking thick like nobody's business. the rest quite ok. yr 1 learnt b4.

1st week of sch was real fast in ending. even the weekends too. oh ya. last friday had a so called "class gathering", quite disappointing with the outcome. last minute decisions, cant go, nv been informed etcetc. and i was whining my way throughout. went to amk hub to eat. some kind of noodle place. the wanton noodles was delicious. walked ard fairprice after dinner and went to jiewei's hse for gambling. zai zai one. won and lost. bah, dun talk abt it.

2nd week of sch, was quite awkward somehow. the grouping for bioanalytics, i decided to go to lucas's group. in the end, was'nt quite what i expected to be. the feeling of having none of the groups to join was too overwhelming for me to handle. damn down and out. luckily hongwei offered to partner me. was quite relieved thou. made a stupid decision in the 1st place.

Man Utd won AC Milan!! it was a fascinating match. one of the best i've seen. nail-biting, heart pumping of a game of football. 1st half Man Utd scored within 4mins. i was damn damn damn happy. but then Milan got 2 goals from Man Utd's weak defense. 2nd half was dominated by Man Utd, and you expect them to be that way. being the best attacking team in europe right now. rooney got 2 goals to get the scoreline 3-2 in Man Utd's favour. with the 2nd leg in Milan's homeground. this is the best chance of winning the champions league since 1999. COME ON REDS!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

when i reached my HDB flat's lift, i saw a paper pasted beside the lift. it said, "To the indian owner of the big white dog, can you think of your neighbours and don't let your dog pee and shit around the lift area. please do not let us call you a stupid idiot." i was quite amused that someone was so brave enough to write this notice with the word stupid idiot.

and when i came back home. i asked my mom who might have wrote it. she said it was daddy. =.= wtf? he wrote the notice and pasted it?! i cant believe it la. he wrote "stupid idiot" quite a crude word. lol

but factually, this dog owner is really inconsiderate. lets his dog to shit and pee on the floors near the life. its a disgusting sight and unhygienic. imagine ppl stepping onto the piece of shit unknowingly and in turn, make the whole place stinky. imagine those muslims whom are afraid of dogs having to endure this. please do clean up after your dog has finished doing business. you can bring your dog to a nearby grassy place and let it shit as its own pleasure.

my dog is unlike that dog. he's disciplined enough to go to our house's toilet to pee and shit. so its easy cleaning up after that. and he does'nt shit around the lift areas. though he's quite cocked up and lazy, but he's smart. =)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Shucks, its 3.42am and i cant sleep a wink at all. been thinking too much stuffs in my mind about sch. anxious? or not looking forward to it? i dunno. perhaps both.

well, i hope i can force myself to sleep now. tml will be a good start! =)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

well, my proposed class outing was a failure. most were working especially the girls, but those who came were the ones i'm close to, so quite okay. met up at marina bay b4 deciding to walk to the place. as we were walking half of the journey, that damn bus flew past us with those ginas teasing us in the bus. but well, i could endure that mockery but junlin cant. so agitated his face. hahaha

we reached, booked a table and paid. and straight off we took the food. it was non-stop eating with butter oil bursting all ard, hitting our faces, arms, hands wherever you can imagine. the meat with chilli seasoning were tasty, only too salty. the soup was absolutely nice. sweet and addictive. overall a good steamboat :)

the opposite table caught my attention quite a few times with the fact that there's a guy named gary as well. so its natural reflex for my head to keep looking up the direction of the name being called. quite turnoff la. haha. but quite a few pretty lookin' gals there =O haha

came back quickly to take a bath. wanted to go to jiewei's house but i have to respect my parents as well. had been tonning too frequently le, so no choice.

sch's starting soon in just less than 3 days. just cant bear to tune back from the holiday cum sleeping mode. i'm so restless to get prepared for school. sian. well, the way junlin said about someone liddat made me even sian, facing 2-faced ppls. i'm afraid i tio this situation. siansiansian totally sianology. i dunno whether i should be quiet or be sociable in class when school starts? seems tired to keep talking...

well, shall stop here. i'm addicted to watching how Man Utd demolished AS Roma 7-1, quite unbelievable performance from them. makes me proud! (um chio~~) haha!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

my teeth are aching like mad whenever i bite onto something. damn to the rubber bands stucked in between my tooth.

5 more days to school. fast.

man utd to win roma today to progress to the semi-finals!

Friday, April 6, 2007

time flies by quite unexpectedly fast. one blink of an eye, and its 2months gone. i guess ppl do take free time for granted some times. not making full use of the time and yet still complain that 2 months of holidays is so fast gone. (just like me) haha.

anyway, quite disappointed that Man Utd din quite get the result that i expected from Roma. its was a defeat 2-1. although we got the important away goal for us to have that advantage to progress to the semi-finals. i was happy with the 1-1 draw. but well, since paul scholes was sent off during the match, 2-1 was still a good result. Come On Devils! you can do it!

completed C&C 3. the scrin campaign was quite difficult to accomplish. shucks. use a single infantry to infiltrate the whole GDI base?! thats too tough la. lucky i had the determination and wits to complete that mission. otherwise the game is a waste of money if i give up halfway.

today there will be a 4m2 cum other sec 4 clsmates gathering in east coast. i decided to skip it. dun feel like going there and meeting old mates. feels awkward meeting them after a long time. dun have that easy interaction with them anymore. plus some of my sec-sch cliques are not going. so what for should i go? and i do feel annoyed with the organiser, what for you name the outing as 4m2 outing when there's other class ppl going? if you plan it this way, there will be separate groups of friends. thats not an outing. even some of my ex-sec sch mates agree. so there's no point going la. boring. ha

well. thats all i guess? hope when sch reopens, everything will be smooth going. no sparks flying about.

This is what you are supposed to cut and paste if you decide to participate in the tagging game.. People who get tagged need to write in a blog entry of their own 6 weird things about themselves as well as state the rules clearly.

well. here goes~

6 weird things about me.
1)I cant sleep at all when Man Utd lose a match
2)I have loads of football manager kind of games
3)I only drink my Coke. no plain water for me.
4)I stare into space frequently. (dunno why?)
5)I love to go downstairs from my house in the wee hours and enjoy the silence
6)I have a kind of phobia where i hate going into shops alone.

haha. thats the 6 weirdest things about me i guess.