you; yet not.
featured music

what about me?

Gary Foong; 8 Aug 1989; Singapore Polytechnic; plain and simple.
Hardcore Manchester United fan
Loves my dog
Sitting, waiting, wishing.

tag me!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

i dunno why i'm not excited about the chalet this coming wed... maybe mainly because i do not like some of the ppl coming over for chalet? maybe i do not like the timing of the chalet? or izzit because i'm just homesick? whatever happens, lets see how it goes on for the 1st day...if not, i will just stay for a night over there. i hope that chalet goes smoothly without any objections etc. fun/exciting/engrossing/high whatever good adjectives can describe the chalet's activities.

to whoever that person coming for chalet.
please, dont spoil it.
dont object any activities you personally dun like.
do think abt the ppl ard you.
maybe i'm thinking too much. maybe it wun be so disastrous afterall

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

today went to NDC for consultation on my jaw surgery. the consultant revealed to me that the operation will be on both jaws, the upper and lower jaw. so its a 2-jaw surgery. and the consultant is real good with his information on the surgery, like the operation phase, recovery time etc. black and white, easily understood. but i noticed that this surgery will be quite a complicated one. how the lower jaw is cut and push back in the fit the bite with the upper jaw.

i feel like writing out all the procedures. i dun feel comfortable keeping it in my heart. feels wierd...i worry about the costs of the surgery, gonna cost my parents 10K? i think ard there. lucky medisave can be used, if not, i gonna be a financial burden for them. sometimes i wonder why i'm born with so much problems? is it what i did in my past life that i deserved this current state of mine? haa, i'm thinking too much. i feel like going to somewhere i can just enjoy my music and relax where i dun get disturbed by whats going on ard me.

until i get back to my normal self. i wanna pierce another hole in my left ear! =D LOL

Sunday, February 18, 2007

its been long since i last blog due to my sot internet connection. well, since its okay now..shall blog. :)

since today is chinese new year eve, i went to my father's side to bai nian. nth changed much there. still the same, except some of my cousins went overseas to study. so its much peaceful there bah. haha. its been the same for every year, eating dinner together, tossing yusheng, drinking, talking, collecting red packets etc etc. but this year's dessert is different! its COLD! LOL. some kind of mango puree. not bad, but needa be a little more sweeter. it was done by my little cousin. haha. wah...amount of money collected = $165 of 5 red packets. not bad la. lol its the quality not the quantity that counts ya? hahaha

tml morning gonna go my mother's side to bai nian le. so hopefully i get to eat some good food there bah.

peace out!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

i dunno if you all agree, but to me, money does buy happiness. but only temporary. i dunno why i came out with this title of the post, but after today's activities made me realised money is earned by sweat and blood.

well, i went to the national dental centre this morning for getting the mould of my teeth done and discussing about the braces thingy. the dentist also told me about my lower jaw surgery. seems complicated for that surgery. wah...he said must present my case to the board of some high-level dentists and surgeons. so i guessed that the surgery might have a percentage of risk in it. he told me abt the risk, which is the loss of sensation on my lower jaw. so my jaw won't be able to move ard easily. and also have to remove my wisdom tooth. what the heck, i took 17 years to grow that wisdom toothie leh. but no choice.

if the dentist joked to me that after the surgery i have to change the photo of my ic..."haha" thats how i laughed it off. maybe it will change how i look in the future. for that, i'm the whole cost is gonna burn a hole in my parents' pocket. how i wish i could use my savings and pay it all without my parents forking out. but they din allow.

maybe money is'nt that important, maybe money is just a want not a need. its the love and happiness that comes 1st.

went bugis after that...with jw done renewing his passport with his new gay photo. hahaha. and went to sim lim square to check out. saw a shop which has all the diy computer parts which have top-end products. wah...maybe one day i go buy and make a power machine bah. oh, i was searching for Gears of War game. finally i bought it. real addictive. the cinematic scenes are captivating and engrossing. best game ever.

haha...shall enjoy my temporary happiness game then!

Monday, February 12, 2007

why all the blogger skins cant work? its either not well formed, nv end properly etc. wah lao, see liao sian diao. cant do anything to it. although i understand some of it from jw teaching me, but still i cant do anything. i guess i have to ask some of my friends how the fuck they made their skins. damn la.

well, get back to what i wanna post. life's boring whenever sch vacation comes about. and the vacation is long i tell you. 2 MONTHS! and there's nth to do at home, 'cept for playing games, sleeping and eating. Sianology man. Chinese new year is coming and i'm not at all excited. even for the ang-baos i dun have any looking forward to, as i know the notes in that ang-baos will decrease with years. well' lets see then.

i'm looking forward to the chalet as well, but dunno whether jackson has already booked it anot. no updates for me yet. hope that the booking of chalet has already gotten over and done with. so much looking forward to for the chalet. i guess i have to endure the days between today till the day of chalet then. haha

lets hope that everything goes fine. oh ya, for those choosing their choices for their tertiary education, good luck! :)

Sunday, February 11, 2007

well, it's my first time setting up a blog and all. not really sure how to do up the templates and all. so i have to do with this simply layout given by blogger. abt today's activity. went to innova jc for that funfair and i forgot to bring my coupons! *damn* well, lucky me to have friends to sponsor me! haha. it was also a meeting up with sheng quan, after a year since he went to aussie to study. din change much i guess. still the same old him. haha. din do much at the funfair, real sian-ness etc. except that tarmidzie and i went to play that gladiator thingy where we have to make the opponent fall using dumbells. and i lost! 2-1. ha..real embarrassing la. falling down onto the track. haiz. gotta train up my strength then.

then sheng quan went MIA, assumed he went back home in msia. me, midzie, eric and some of the ex-4m1s went for dinner at cwp. din eat since mum's cooking at home. went back home, played some games, watch man utd beat charlton 2-0, back here to create a blog, here posting, here ending.