you; yet not.
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what about me?

Gary Foong; 8 Aug 1989; Singapore Polytechnic; plain and simple.
Hardcore Manchester United fan
Loves my dog
Sitting, waiting, wishing.

tag me!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I HAVE CHANGE MY BLOG TO VERTIGOISTIC after like so long already. hahaha

Saturday, March 29, 2008

"Walking Away"

I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away

sometimes some people get me wrong
when it's something I've said or done
sometimes you feel there is no fun
that's why you turn and run
but now I truly realise
some people don't wanna compromise
well I saw them with my own eyes spreading those lies
and well I don't wanna live a lie, too many sleepless nights
not mentioning the fights, I'm sorry to say lady

I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away

Well I'm so tired baby
things you say you're driving me away
whispers in the powder room baby
don't listen to the games they play
girl I thought you'd realise
I'm not like them other guys
coz I saw them with my own eyes
you should've been more wise
and well I don't wanna live a lie, too many sleepless nights
not mentioning the fights, I'm sorry to say lady

I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away from the troubles in my life
I'm walking away oh to find a better day
I'm walking away

perhaps this is the way to forget all the troubles i have. i'm jealous that you found someone you like, i admit. but what for? i've been thinking and it's amusing i feel this way. and i can't get it off my mind now. feeling so helpless. nothing i can do.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

right now, i've got nth to do. so i decided to have a thought abt myself. when i looked back at myself and previous years and compared. i do think i've changed much. like obviously people would change over time? but i can't say i've become bad or good. from since year 1 when i was still hardworking and had that enthusiasm in studying till now where i'd slacked off abit. the differences in my grades from yr 1 compared to this years had been big. worsened actually. perhaps the modules are more tougher? but i think that's an excuse. if i had kept going and revise harder. perhaps that might change.

as a person, i've changed alot too. since sec sch, i was that rebellious boy who kept quarrelling with my mum. did stupid stuffs. one big and bad stuff i rmb doing, was stealing a PS2 game from a pirated gameshop. where they put the games with the cd and hang it on a rack. i stole one and was lucky i didn't get caught. and i was actually really guilty. thinking that God might punish me for doing this. so yea, i think everyone might have done sinful stuffs, but everyone would learn and change for the better. right now, i feel weird blogging all abt this. but i dun wan ppl to have a bad impression on me.

and now, i can't say i'm matured. i still do stuffs that might give my friends a bad impression. if i do, i'm sorry. tell me what i've done wrong. and i will go one corner and reflect on myself. =)

haha. my mind is thinking of alot of complicated stuffs. eversince when i was young. i would think what will happen if this happened or that happened. i would often think if a person dies, will his spirit able to roam the world freely before getting reincarnated? going to places he have nv been before. that's just one of the random thoughts i would have.

bah. alright. ending with a happier note. i can't wait for poly yr 3 to start. it will be the final year. and i can't wait to get back with my classmates. 2 more weeks. oh ya, and the chalet as well. hopefully the 1st day, the gals can come instead of the 2nd day. *cross fingers. haha

alright. cya ard then.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

shall update abit of my life here.

recent days have been boring. slack, eat, play, sleep. 4 major things for a slacker to do, i guess. bah. i think my blog doesn't have interesting stuffs to write about. until some random thoughts and inspirations then perhaps maybe. hahaha.

well, these 2 days i had been visiting NDC. for tightening my braces and having to make a clay model for my teeth. and my dentist gave me the model to play around. and its pretty cool to actually allign my teeth in the correct position. 1st time i get to see my teeth so straight and lesser spaces in between. so yea, after my dentist ask from consultation. the guy said that everything is good and i'm ready for my jaw surgery. seem pretty excited when my dentist said that i'm gonna look so different from now. my lower jaw wont be like protruding out and point at ppl. lol. and today my surgeon helped me to book an operation date on 5 of September. which i hope is after my sem papers. so yea. cool

and ya. i'm think of cutting my hair short. like last time. BOTAK! hahaha! maybe tommorrow.

Monday, March 10, 2008

just a random thought out of nothing.

have you ever wondered that how animals feel and think? like how when the prey feels the pain when the predator bites onto its neck. do they feel that pain that lets them think why are they so unlucky to be the one to be preyed on. whether they hope they weren't in this world, that they hope they are the predator instead of the prey. whenever i see documentaries of animals, when the cheetah kills a zeebra or others for food. i would feel the pain of the zeebra. and i would say to myself. i'm so lucky to be human. where we have the comforts of life. eating meat of the animals that are sacrificed for us to live on and survive. do we very spared a thought for them? prayed to the gods for being so lucky to be in this position? ever wondered that it is sinful not to finish up the food and waste it away that the animals die for nothing?

one aspect of what i observed from animals. to carry on the existence of their kind. they need to find a mate to reproduce. how do they feel if male animal feels when it is rejected by the opposite sex? do they go emo? do they feel like its the end of the world? do they feel inferior when they see the opposite sex chose another instead of them? no they don't. they would still pick up themselves and continue to find a mate in order to reproduce. basically animal instincts. how about us, humans? going emo and feel like dying, upset and angry. don't we agree? i admit i do felt all these. but we still have to move on with life. human's mind are not that simple as animals.

when i look at my dog right now. sleeping on his own bed. i would smile at him and somewhat with teary eyes. i dunno why's that so. but ya, i'm really glad that i have him as a companion.

bah. i think i lost track of what i wanted to blog. just blogging my trace of thoughts here though. till then.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

woah. it's another long exile from blogging. well, changed my song. Utada Hikaru's new single. Heart Station. pretty catchy and beautiful song.

well. CPTC has ended. kind of missed that period. had fun with my groupmates. and it's great knowing them. my trainer as well, though we kept disturbing her. 6 weeks of training there seemed to finish fast. while we were like cursing about the life in CPTC, being so boring and tiring. but when i look back at the experiences there, there's more good memories than bad ones. especially during firefiring. where all of us got wet no matter what. that was one that we could have kept playing and forget all about CPTC and stress. so yeah. CPTC overall was fun.

now back to the free and easy lifestyle holidays. and i wished i had CPTC till the start of school. serious, no kidding. now, i'm like either sleeping, watching animes, playing games, or listening to music just to pass my time. and it gets stereotyped and boring afterwards. i'd still got 1 month to endure. finding a job is an option, but my laziness prevails.

alright. blog till right here. continue some other time.

group 6

Saturday, February 23, 2008

hello! its been a long time since i last updated abt my life. busy with attachment. all i can say is that its really tiring during this period. since the start of 12 hr shift work. then when i looked back at my performance in CPTC, i lacked that initiative and communication. some sort of like standing at the back of the crowd and listen to what the trainer says. all right, thats just me lah.

shift work wasn't really that hectic. lots of free time and slacking. just that i think that our team had bad luck with the starting up of furnace though. trip like a record 14 times? like omg. the rest of the teams had better luck with it. perhaps the furnace just dun like us. haha.

and ya, our final term examination is on 27th feb. which is also where my exam results release. i cant say how i feel. anxious? guilty? excited? i dunno. but i'm worried abt it though. when i thought of Fluid Mech A having 5 failures. which i think class 21 wont have any. thats just left my class and 23. i dun wanna like pinpoint which possible candidates who are likely failures. i do wan everyone to pass and move on to year 3. but thats just the reality plus the paper was like a disaster to be honest though. hopefully i can clear all and advance with life. god bless me.

and my fan just went crazy. when i wanted to adjust the direction of the fan, its just went off and the blades broke into pieces. luckily i wasn't hurt. some kinda bad omen i guess. cause the fan was like initially okay and tight. bah.

alright. i guessed i'd updated as much as i could though. cya around next entry.